Faruque Alam

Author Archives: Faruque Alam

I did my Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering from Mississippi State University, the USA in 1998. I have worked in Desktop Computer Connection Ltd till 2011.Started my own computer firm Dhaka Soft Ltd. 2013 with some acquaintances. Had to give that up because of a partnership problem in 2016.Lost all my savings in that company. In 2016 I attended a Payoneer meet up and saw Al-amin Bhai's presentation. That inspired me and did his course on Amazon Affiliate Marketing. Currently, I have 2 sites. I make a decent amount from the 2 sites. I also have a side business, completely unrelated to IT

“Content is King” – A Myth (প্রচলিত ভুল ধারণা?)

This is a guest post by Faruque Alam In my last job, I used to write technical documents for International tenders on how to integrate different IT related products provided by different suppliers. I had a colleague who is very good at writing long documents. But he had no technical knowledge. I would write a […]

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